Experience the timeless beauty of our Classic Elegance bouquet, featuring 15 exquisite Mondial white roses. Renowned for their large, velvety petals and pristine, snowy hue, these roses embody purity and sophistication. Perfect for celebrating special moments or expressing heartfelt sentiments, this elegant arrangement is ideal for weddings, anniversaries, or any occasion where a touch of grace is desired. With their understated beauty and refined charm, these white roses make a stunning and memorable gift.
Bu məhsul müvəqqəti olaraq stokda yoxdur
Classic Elegance: 15 Mondial White Roses
Ribbon - 1 ədəd packaging - 4 ədəd mondial rose - 15 ədəd
- Genişlik - 35 sm
- Hündürlük - 50 sm
Experience the timeless beauty of our Classic Elegance bouquet, featuring 15 exquisite Mondial white roses. Renowned for their large, velvety petals and pristine, snowy hue, these roses embody purity and sophistication. Perfect for celebrating special moments or expressing heartfelt sentiments, this elegant arrangement is ideal for weddings, anniversaries, or any occasion where a touch of grace is desired. With their understated beauty and refined charm, these white roses make a stunning and memorable gift.
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