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The Caramel bouquet features spray roses, caramel-shaded dianthus, snow-white tulips, sprigs of rice flower, and fragrant eucalyptus. This is a delicate, gentle, and very beautiful arrangement. The bouquet is a great gift idea for any occasion, celebration, a way to show affection or make a declaration of love.
- und wir ermitteln die Lieferkosten
- Sie erhalten 1.44 Boni
Satin ribbon - 1 Stk. Eucalyptus - 2 Stk. dianthus - 3 Stk. white tulip - 7 Stk. ozothamnus - 1 Stk. designer wrapping - 1 Stk. tissue paper - 2 Stk. sweet sara spray rose - 3 Stk.
- Breite - 40 cm
- Höhe - 42 cm
The Caramel bouquet features spray roses, caramel-shaded dianthus, snow-white tulips, sprigs of rice flower, and fragrant eucalyptus. This is a delicate, gentle, and very beautiful arrangement. The bouquet is a great gift idea for any occasion, celebration, a way to show affection or make a declaration of love.
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