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Experience the epitome of romance and luxury with our bouquet, featuring 101 stunning pink roses. This breathtaking arrangement showcases the timeless beauty and delicate charm of pink roses, each carefully selected to create a lush and elegant display. Perfect for expressing love, celebrating special moments, or simply adding a touch of grace to any setting, this bouquet is a true masterpiece. Beautifully wrapped in premium paper and tied with a sophisticated ribbon, the bouquet is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who receives it.
Stock confirmed 3 h 25 min ago
Bouquet of 101 Pink Roses
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packaging - 4 pcs kenya rose - 101 pcs
- Width - 60 cm
- Height - 45 cm
Experience the epitome of romance and luxury with our bouquet, featuring 101 stunning pink roses. This breathtaking arrangement showcases the timeless beauty and delicate charm of pink roses, each carefully selected to create a lush and elegant display. Perfect for expressing love, celebrating special moments, or simply adding a touch of grace to any setting, this bouquet is a true masterpiece. Beautifully wrapped in premium paper and tied with a sophisticated ribbon, the bouquet is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who receives it.
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