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Experience the timeless elegance of our bouquet featuring 51 classic roses. Each rose is a symbol of enduring love and beauty, meticulously arranged to create a stunning and luxurious display. Perfect for grand gestures, this bouquet is an unforgettable way to express your deepest emotions and celebrate special moments.
Stock confirmed 3 h 10 min ago
Classic Red Roses
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Satin ribbon - 1 pcs rose ecuador 60 cm - 51 pcs kraft wrapping - 2 pcs
- Width - 45 cm
- Height - 60 cm
Experience the timeless elegance of our bouquet featuring 51 classic roses. Each rose is a symbol of enduring love and beauty, meticulously arranged to create a stunning and luxurious display. Perfect for grand gestures, this bouquet is an unforgettable way to express your deepest emotions and celebrate special moments.
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