• 52 cm
  • 45 cm

Experience the allure of our Crimson Elegance Bouquet, featuring 15 exquisite red French roses. Each rose embodies passion and sophistication with its deep crimson petals, symbolizing love and admiration. This bouquet blends French elegance with the timeless beauty of roses, creating an atmosphere of grandeur and admiration.

Crimson Elegance Bouquet

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Satin ribbon - 1 pcs packaging - 3 pcs french rose - 15 pcs eucalyptus cinerea bundle - 2 pcs


  • Width - 52 cm
  • Height - 45 cm

Experience the allure of our Crimson Elegance Bouquet, featuring 15 exquisite red French roses. Each rose embodies passion and sophistication with its deep crimson petals, symbolizing love and admiration. This bouquet blends French elegance with the timeless beauty of roses, creating an atmosphere of grandeur and admiration.

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JB Orchids

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