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The Fury bouquet features a hand-wrapped dozen vibrant red roses, elegantly arranged with lush greenery. Perfect for making a bold statement, this stunning bouquet captures passion and intensity. Please note that rose shades may vary slightly depending on seasonal availability.
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greenery mix - 1 pcs red roses - 12 pcs
- Width - 40 cm
- Height - 50 cm
The Fury bouquet features a hand-wrapped dozen vibrant red roses, elegantly arranged with lush greenery. Perfect for making a bold statement, this stunning bouquet captures passion and intensity. Please note that rose shades may vary slightly depending on seasonal availability.
Ratings and reviews
November 2024
I needed some flowers last minute and luckily found Nika’s Flores! The flowers were absolutely beautiful and fresh, and my friend was so surprised and happy! The service was incredibly friendly, and the communication throughout the process was super. I couldn’t be happier, highly recommend and definitely will buy again!!
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