• 25 cm
  • 40 cm

Brighten someones day with our stunning bouquet, featuring 15 vibrant pink roses. Each rose is handpicked for its perfect bloom and intense color, creating a spectacular display of elegance and charm. The rich pink petals symbolize admiration and joy, making this bouquet a perfect gift for any special occasion.

Pink Rose Bouquet

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packaging - 1 pcs rose pink - 25 pcs


  • Width - 25 cm
  • Height - 40 cm

Brighten someones day with our stunning bouquet, featuring 15 vibrant pink roses. Each rose is handpicked for its perfect bloom and intense color, creating a spectacular display of elegance and charm. The rich pink petals symbolize admiration and joy, making this bouquet a perfect gift for any special occasion.

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JB Orchids

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