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Introducing our elegant bouquet, a harmonious blend of white hydrangeas and delicate blush pink spray roses. This sophisticated arrangement is wrapped in paper, exuding a sense of grace and refinement. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any special occasion, this bouquet brings a touch of timeless elegance to any setting.
Bouquet with White Hydrangeas
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 1.35 bonos
packaging - 3 ud. eucalyptus mix - 3 ud. white hydrangea - 2 ud. peony spray rose - 5 ud. tissue paper - 2 ud.
- Anchura - 40 cm
- Altura - 45 cm
Introducing our elegant bouquet, a harmonious blend of white hydrangeas and delicate blush pink spray roses. This sophisticated arrangement is wrapped in paper, exuding a sense of grace and refinement. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any special occasion, this bouquet brings a touch of timeless elegance to any setting.
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