Produits en lien avec cet article
Bouquet of spray roses in soft shades of pink. The flower colour may differ slightly from that shown in the photo. Before delivery starts, we will send you a photo of the actual flowers for approval.
Disponibilité confirmée 2 h 25 min retour
Bouquet of pink spray roses – 20 pcs
- , et nous connaîtrons les frais de livraison
- Recevez 1.5 Bonus
Satin ribbon - 1 pce Spray rose - 20 pce designer wrapping - 1 pce
- Largeur - 25 cm
- Hauteur - 31 cm
Bouquet of spray roses in soft shades of pink. The flower colour may differ slightly from that shown in the photo. Before delivery starts, we will send you a photo of the actual flowers for approval.
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