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Make a grand statement with our Passionate Red Rose Bouquet, featuring 19 stunning red roses elegantly wrapped in pristine white packaging. The striking contrast between the vibrant red roses and the elegant white wrapping creates a timeless and sophisticated look, perfect for any occasion. Whether youre celebrating a romantic milestone, expressing heartfelt gratitude, or simply making someones day, this bouquet is a beautiful and memorable gesture.
Passionate Red Rose Bouquet
- és kiderítjük a szállítási költségeket
- Ön kapni fog 1.95 Bónusz
packaging - 3 db. red rose con amore - 19 db.
- Szélesség - 30 cm
- Magasság - 55 cm
Make a grand statement with our Passionate Red Rose Bouquet, featuring 19 stunning red roses elegantly wrapped in pristine white packaging. The striking contrast between the vibrant red roses and the elegant white wrapping creates a timeless and sophisticated look, perfect for any occasion. Whether youre celebrating a romantic milestone, expressing heartfelt gratitude, or simply making someones day, this bouquet is a beautiful and memorable gesture.
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