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  • 40 cm
  • 60 cm

height: 60 cm pot diameter: 25 cm GOOD TO KNOW agave is ideal plant for sunny places PLANT CARE bright light winter put it in a well lighted place watering: water when soil is completely dry spraying: we recommend dust-cleaning the leaves as needed. REPOTTING this plant is sold in a temporary technical plastic pot. we can choose a suitable permanent pot for plant and repot it mention it in the comments. ✿ all plants are grown in Spain ✿ we carefully choose each plant: inspect the roots and leaves we provide pest treatment

Artículo temporalmente sin existencias

Agave variegata

1 valoraciones del artículo


  • Anchura - 40 cm
  • Altura - 60 cm

height: 60 cm pot diameter: 25 cm GOOD TO KNOW agave is ideal plant for sunny places PLANT CARE bright light winter put it in a well lighted place watering: water when soil is completely dry spraying: we recommend dust-cleaning the leaves as needed. REPOTTING this plant is sold in a temporary technical plastic pot. we can choose a suitable permanent pot for plant and repot it mention it in the comments. ✿ all plants are grown in Spain ✿ we carefully choose each plant: inspect the roots and leaves we provide pest treatment

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Plant Buro

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