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  • 30 cm
  • 120 cm

height: 120-130 cm pot diameter: 30 cm GOOD TO KNOW ficuses are very sensitive to the change of seasons and loose their leaves if the care of plant is not adjusted on time. their second name is Drama Queen. PLANT CARE bright diffused light: summer shade from direct sunlight winter put it in a well lighted place watering: water as the top layer of soil dries out by 5-7 cm, use your finger as a meter. spraying: we recommend dust-cleaning the leaves as needed. REPOTTING this plant is sold in a temporary technical plastic pot. we can choose a suitable permanent pot for plant and repot it mention it in the comments. ✿ all plants are grown in Spain ✿ we carefully choose each plant: inspect the roots and leaves we provide pest treatment

Existencias confirmadas 3 h hace

Ficus Microcarpa

1 valoraciones del artículo
  • para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
  • Consigue 3.3 bonificación


  • Anchura - 30 cm
  • Altura - 120 cm

height: 120-130 cm pot diameter: 30 cm GOOD TO KNOW ficuses are very sensitive to the change of seasons and loose their leaves if the care of plant is not adjusted on time. their second name is Drama Queen. PLANT CARE bright diffused light: summer shade from direct sunlight winter put it in a well lighted place watering: water as the top layer of soil dries out by 5-7 cm, use your finger as a meter. spraying: we recommend dust-cleaning the leaves as needed. REPOTTING this plant is sold in a temporary technical plastic pot. we can choose a suitable permanent pot for plant and repot it mention it in the comments. ✿ all plants are grown in Spain ✿ we carefully choose each plant: inspect the roots and leaves we provide pest treatment

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Plant Buro

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