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  • 40 см
  • 50 см

Out of a huge assortment of fresh flowers, roses have always been the most popular and desired option so far. No other flower species can match their variety of colours, sizes, shapes, and even fragrances. Rose bouquets are the most popular arrangement, as they are suitable for all occasions and look appealing to everyone without exception. Rose bouquets are traditional and at the same time so varied that they look fresh and special in every new arrangement. This is why the rose is called the queen of flowers: it’s always different, unexpected, and mysterious. When choosing a bouquet of roses, listen to your own feelings and the emotions this flower arrangement evokes in you.

Товар временно отсутствует

Bouquet of 50 roses (50 cm)

72 оценки о товаре


avalanche rose - 25 шт. red naomi rose 50 cm - 25 шт.


  • Ширина - 40 см
  • Высота - 50 см

Out of a huge assortment of fresh flowers, roses have always been the most popular and desired option so far. No other flower species can match their variety of colours, sizes, shapes, and even fragrances. Rose bouquets are the most popular arrangement, as they are suitable for all occasions and look appealing to everyone without exception. Rose bouquets are traditional and at the same time so varied that they look fresh and special in every new arrangement. This is why the rose is called the queen of flowers: it’s always different, unexpected, and mysterious. When choosing a bouquet of roses, listen to your own feelings and the emotions this flower arrangement evokes in you.

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4.65 из 5 рейтинг товаров

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Август 2024

  • Сервис

    5 /5

  • Цена/Качество

    4 /5

  • Доставка

    5 /5

  • Соответствие

    4 /5


Август 2024

  • Сервис

    5 /5

  • Цена/Качество

    5 /5

  • Доставка

    5 /5

  • Соответствие

    5 /5


Июнь 2024

  • Сервис

    5 /5

  • Цена/Качество

    4 /5

  • Доставка

    5 /5

  • Соответствие

    5 /5


Май 2024

  • Сервис

    5 /5

  • Цена/Качество

    5 /5

  • Доставка

    5 /5

  • Соответствие

    5 /5


Апрель 2024

  • Сервис

    1 /5

  • Цена/Качество

    1 /5

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