Jarron con flores preservadas olivo
- , teslimat ücretini tespit edelim
- Kazancınız 1.95 bonus puanı
paniculata preservada - 15 adet lavanda preservada - 15 adet espigas de trigo natural - 15 adet jarrón olivas - 1 adet
- Genişlik - 20 cm
- Yükseklik - 60 cm
Değerlendirme ve yorumlar
Ekim 2022 • Google maps yorumu
My girlfriend and I were in two different countries for a year of our relationship. I cold-called this shop having never seen it. The owner helped me send flowers as often as needed that year with personalized notes attached. She let me use WhatsApp to make the purchases because I did not have international minutes. She treated me fairly and never took advantage of my distance from her shop. The shop was a great blessing while we were apart.
Temmuz 2019 • Google maps yorumu
Volveré seguro
Ocak 2017 • Google maps yorumu
Un 10 en todos los aspectos.
Haziran 2020 • Google maps yorumu
Mi floristería preferida ❤️❤️❤️
Aralık 2016 • Google maps yorumu
Buen surtido y flores originales
Ürün hakkında şikayette bulun