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  • 36 см
  • 1 см

Immerse yourself in a world of refined elegance with our necklace that combines a chain and sugar quartz. The finishing touch is a heart-shaped pendant, completely made of dazzling zirconium. This jewel symbolizes purity, love and sophistication, highlighting your individuality and unmatched style. ✔️ High-quality and anti-allergenic Korean hardware ✔️ Jewel length: 36 cm + 5 cm extension chain The jewels are delivered in a gift box and in a storage case.

Necklace with chain and sugar quartz

  • , і ми дізнаємось вартість доставки


Ланцюжок з родієвим покриттям, цукровий кварц, цирконієвий кулон


  • Ширина - 36 см
  • Висота - 1 см


By romanova

Immerse yourself in a world of refined elegance with our necklace that combines a chain and sugar quartz. The finishing touch is a heart-shaped pendant, completely made of dazzling zirconium. This jewel symbolizes purity, love and sophistication, highlighting your individuality and unmatched style. ✔️ High-quality and anti-allergenic Korean hardware ✔️ Jewel length: 36 cm + 5 cm extension chain The jewels are delivered in a gift box and in a storage case.

ALEGRIA Jewelry by Romanova

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